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Showing posts from October, 2018


Thank you so much to those children who have been bringing things in from home to share with us at school. We love that the children are excited and engaged with their learning and wanting to continue this at home. Creating a thirst for learning is so important to us and we are so pleased that they can share this with you too. Lots of children made monsters and rather interesting concoctions at home when we were looking at Morris the Mankiest Monster and they helped to make a fantastic Big Writing display in the classroom. Last week, some children brought objects in for the Autumn display to help us with our Autumn poem. After half term we will be reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It would be great if the children could bring in anything they would like to share with us about this story.

Remember, Remember

Our poppy display is up in school and looks beautiful.  The children are very proud of their work, as are we!  Thank you to all the parents who sent in details of family members to be included on the display.  There is still time to include other family members, just send the details into school with your child.

An Autumn Walk

Monday morning saw us step outside into the beautiful sunshine and look for signs of Autumn.  Everyone had a 'journey stick' (a stick with Sellotape at the top) and they carefully collected leaves, berries, seeds and acorn shells and stuck them to the stick.  We have displayed them in our classroom.  This week we will thinking of Wow words to describe the objects we collected and o n Thursday we will be writing an Autumn poem.

Non-uniform on Thursday 25.10.18 for 1GH

As a reward for achieving 100% attendance for a whole week, 1GH will be able to come to school in non-uniform on Thursday 25th October 2018.  Well done 1GH!  This is the second time we've won this this year. Please remember the children will still need sensible shoes and warm clothes for playtimes.

Party Time!

                                                 On Wednesday we had a class party!  We've been reading Kipper's Birthday and decided to have our own party.  Party food lists were made, invitations to favourite teddies were sent home and party outfits were ready to wear.                We had crunchy carrots, delicious cake, tasty crisps, popping popcorn and wobbly jelly. We even lit some candles and sang Happy Birthday.  Harry blew the candles out for us.                      Some of us even chose to do some writi...